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Sitara IT Park, Canal Road, Faisalabad


+1 -800-456-478-23

Cloud ERP
Software For BookStore Business

Digital Manager ( Book Shop Billing Management Software) is a specialized solution designed to streamline and optimize the operations of bookstores. This software provides a centralized platform for efficient billing processes, inventory management, and sales tracking. Bookshops can easily generate invoices, manage customer transactions, and keep accurate records of their book inventory.

Software Features

The features and modules of Book Shop Billing Management Software are:

Purchase Management

Inventory Management

Accounts Management

// Software Modules & FEATURES

Purchase Management

Problem Statement:

Bookstore businesses often grapple with purchase management challenges, including difficulties in efficient inventory tracking, delayed procurement processes, and managing diverse suppliers.

Solution: Our Book Shop Billing Management Software addresses these issues by providing a comprehensive solution. The software streamlines inventory tracking, ensuring accurate records of book stock levels. It facilitates seamless procurement processes, minimizing delays and optimizing operational efficiency.


Purchase Order Voucher

Purchase Invoice voucher

Purchase Return Voucher


Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Sales Management

Problem Statement:

Bookstore businesses encounter various sales management challenges, including fragmented sales processes, difficulties in customer relationship management, and limited insights into sales performance.

Solution: Our Book Shop Billing Management Software presents a tailored solution by streamlining sales processes and enhancing customer relationship management. The software provides a unified platform that facilitates smooth transactions, efficient order processing, and improved customer interactions. With robust reporting and analytics features, it empowers bookstores with valuable insights into sales trends and performance metrics, facilitating informed decision-making.


Add new customers

Sale order voucher

Sale order selection voucher


Sale voucher

Multi sale vouchers print

Sale return voucher


Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Salesman wise, Party wise
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Inventory Management

Problem Statement:

Bookstore businesses commonly encounter challenges in their inventory management systems, including difficulties in accurately tracking book details, optimizing stock levels, and ensuring real-time monitoring. The vast and diverse range of titles complicates the tracking process, leading to potential inaccuracies in stock records and order fulfillment.

Solution: Our Book Shop Billing Management Software addresses these issues comprehensively by providing a centralized platform for precise inventory tracking, ensuring accurate records of book stock levels. The software streamlines the complexities of managing diverse titles, minimizing errors in tracking and restocking. 


Chart of items

Freight assigning to transporter

City defining

Warehouse / location/departments defining

GRN (Goods received note) /Inward Gate pass voucher

Return outward voucher


GIN (Goods issue note)/Outward Gate pass voucher

Return Inward voucher

Stock Transfer voucher

Item conversion voucher


(Date wise, Account wise, PO wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, SO wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Location wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Location wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Location wise, Item wise, Category wise, Sub category wise)
(Location wise, Item wise, Category wise, Sub category wise)
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Accounts Management

Problem Statement:

Bookstore businesses often grapple with accounting management challenges, including the intricacies of financial transactions, expense tracking, and compliance with industry regulations. The diverse nature of book inventories, supplier relationships, and customer transactions can complicate financial record-keeping.

Solution: Our Book Shop Billing Management Software serves as a comprehensive solution to these issues. The software streamlines financial transactions, providing a centralized platform for accurate tracking of sales, expenses, and invoices. By automating these processes, it reduces the likelihood of errors and enhances overall financial transparency. 


Opening Balance Voucher

Cash Payment Voucher

Cash Receipt Voucher

Bank Payment Voucher

Bank Receipt Voucher

Cheque Issue Voucher

Cheque Receipt Voucher

Debit Note

Credit Note

Journal Entry Voucher


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