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Sitara IT Park, Canal Road, Faisalabad


+1 -800-456-478-23

Cloud ERP
Software For Jewelry Shop Billing Business

Experience the seamless elegance of Jewellery Store Management Software by Digital Softs. Tailored for the unique needs of jewelry retailers, this innovative software simplifies and elevates every aspect of store management. From inventory tracking and sales management to customer engagement and robust reporting, our software provides a comprehensive solution to enhance efficiency and drive business growth

Software Features

The features and modules of Jewellery Store Management Software are:

Purchase Management

Inventory Management

Accounts Management

// Software Modules & FEATURES

Purchase Management

Problem Statement:

Jewelry items come in different variations, such as different metals, gemstones, and designs, making it crucial to have a system that can effectively categorize and track each item. Jewelry shop billing business often struggle with monitoring and controlling costs associated with purchases, including price fluctuations, wastage, and return management. 

Solution: Our Jewellery Store Management Software revolutionizes the purchasing department by providing a comprehensive solution to the challenges they face. With our software, inventory management becomes effortless as it accurately tracks and categorizes jewelry items, eliminating the risk of losing track of stock. The procurement process is streamlined through automated communication with suppliers, enabling the department to send orders, receive confirmations, and track deliveries seamlessly.


Purchase Order Voucher

Purchase Invoice voucher

Purchase Return Voucher


Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Sales Management

Problem Statement:

Manual tracking of sales transactions often leads to inaccuracies and inefficiencies, hindering the smooth operation of the business. The absence of real-time insights and analytics makes it challenging for jewelry shop billing business to adapt swiftly to market trends and customer preferences.

Solution: Our Jewellery Store Management Software is a game-changer for the sales department, addressing the challenges they face head-on. With our software, tracking sales transactions becomes effortless, ensuring accurate recording and seamless management of customer information. The system also allowing the sales team to personalize their interactions, access customer preferences, and efficiently follow up on leads and prospects.


Add new customers

Sale order voucher

Sale order selection voucher


Sale voucher

Multi sale vouchers print

Sale return voucher


Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Salesman wise, Party wise
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Inventory Management

Problem Statement:

Inventory management poses significant challenges for jewelry shop billing businesses, as the intricate nature of jewelry items requires meticulous tracking and organization. Manual tracking often results in errors, making it challenging to reconcile physical inventory with recorded data. A dedicated Inventory Management System tailored to the specific needs of jewelry shops is crucial to address these challenges.

Solution: With our Jewellery Store Management Software, accurately tracking and categorizing jewelry inventory becomes effortless. The system allows for efficient management and organization of inventory data, including unique attributes such as metal type, gemstones, and design variations. It streamlines the process of tracking consignment or leased jewellery items, ensuring meticulous record-keeping and accurate reporting.


Chart of items

Freight assigning to transporter

City defining

Warehouse / location/departments defining

GRN (Goods received note) /Inward Gate pass voucher

Return outward voucher


GIN (Goods issue note)/Outward Gate pass voucher

Return Inward voucher

Stock Transfer voucher

Item conversion voucher


(Date wise, Account wise, PO wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, SO wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Location wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Location wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Location wise, Item wise, Category wise, Sub category wise)
(Location wise, Item wise, Category wise, Sub category wise)
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Accounts Management

Problem Statement:

Manual accounting processes can lead to errors, affecting financial accuracy and compliance. Handling various payment methods, including credit, cash, and installment plans, poses complexities that require meticulous tracking and reconciliation. Additionally, managing multiple supplier accounts, tracking expenses, and staying abreast of tax regulations further contribute to the intricacies of jewelry shop accounting.

Solution: Our Jewellery Store Management Software is a game-changer for the accounts department, addressing the challenges they face with efficiency and accuracy. The software streamlines financial transactions, making it easier to track and manage sales, refunds, exchanges, and consignment sales. It automates the recording and reconciliation of these transactions, reducing errors and saving valuable time. 


Opening Balance Voucher

Cash Payment Voucher

Cash Receipt Voucher

Bank Payment Voucher

Bank Receipt Voucher

Cheque Issue Voucher

Cheque Receipt Voucher

Debit Note

Credit Note

Journal Entry Voucher


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