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Sitara IT Park, Canal Road, Faisalabad


+1 -800-456-478-23

Cloud Based
ERP Software For Plastic and Rubber Industry

Our Plastic and Rubber Manufacturing Software helps businesses streamline their operations, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and maintain consistent product quality. Whether it’s managing inventory, optimizing production processes, or ensuring accurate financial management, this software is tailored to meet the unique challenges of the plastic and rubber manufacturing industry.

Software Features

These are some Modules and Features of Plastic and Rubber Manufacturing Software.

Purchase Management

Inventory Management

Production Management

Accounts Management

// Software Modules & FEATURES

Purchase Management

Problem Statement:

The plastic and rubber manufacturing industry faces several challenges in their purchase management system. These include supply chain disruptions, inaccurate demand forecasting, price volatility, quality control issues, supplier management complexities, inventory management struggles, and regulatory compliance requirements. To tackle these problems, businesses should implement robust purchase management systems, utilize advanced forecasting techniques, establish strong supplier relationships, adopt automated inventory management tools, and stay updated with industry regulations.



Our advanced purchase management module within the Plastic and Rubber Manufacturing Software is designed to provide effective solutions to the challenges faced by the industry. With real-time data integration and analytics capabilities, our system enables accurate demand forecasting, helping businesses optimize their procurement strategies and avoid overstocking or understocking situations. The module also offers supplier management tools, streamlining communication, negotiation, and contract management processes.


Add new supplier

Purchase order voucher

Purchase voucher

Purchase return voucher


Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Sales Management

Problem Statement:

The plastic and rubber manufacturing industry often encounters various challenges in their sales management system. These problems can include inefficient order processing, difficulty in tracking sales performance, lack of customer insights, limited visibility into inventory levels, and manual data entry errors.



Our advanced sales management module within the Plastic and Rubber Manufacturing Software addresses these issues by automating the order processing workflow, ensuring timely and accurate fulfillment. It provides comprehensive sales analytics and reporting functionalities, allowing businesses to track key performance indicators, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging our advanced sales management module, plastic and rubber manufacturers can streamline their sales processes, boost efficiency, and maximize revenue potential.


Add new customers

Sale order voucher

Sale order selection voucher


Sale voucher

Multi sale vouchers print

Sale return voucher


Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Salesman wise, Party wise
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Inventory Management

Problem Statement:

Inaccurate forecasting, inefficient stock tracking, lack of real-time visibility, manual data entry errors, and difficulties in managing multiple warehouses can effect inventory system of plastic and rubber manufacturing industry



Our inventory management module within the Plastic and Rubber Manufacturing Software offers solutions to these issues. With advanced forecasting algorithms and data analytics, the module provides accurate demand forecasting, aiding businesses in optimizing their inventory levels. Real-time visibility into inventory levels, through integration with barcode scanning and RFID technologies, ensures efficient stock tracking and eliminates manual errors. The module also enables seamless management of multiple warehouses, allowing businesses to track inventory across locations and make informed decisions. 


Chart of items

Freight assigning to transporter

City defining

Warehouse / location/departments defining

GRN (Goods received note) /Inward Gate pass voucher

Return outward voucher


GIN (Goods issue note)/Outward Gate pass voucher

Return Inward voucher

Stock Transfer voucher

Item conversion voucher


(Date wise, Account wise, PO wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, SO wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Location wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Location wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Location wise, Item wise, Category wise, Sub category wise)
(Location wise, Item wise, Category wise, Sub category wise)
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Production Management

Problem Statement:

Inefficient production planning, lack of real-time visibility into production processes, difficulty in tracking work orders and scheduling, quality control issues, and manual data entry errors. These challenges can result in production delays, increased costs, and decreased productivity.



Our production management module within the Plastic and Rubber Manufacturing Software enables businesses to streamline their production planning by integrating demand forecasting and resource allocation tools. Real-time monitoring and reporting features provide visibility into production processes, allowing for proactive decision-making and timely interventions. The module also facilitates efficient work order tracking and scheduling, ensuring smooth operations and on-time deliveries. 


Batch management

Recipe management

Packing material management

done [#54595f]Created with Sketch.

Material issuance voucher batch wise

Material return voucher batch wise

Material consumption voucher


Production voucher batch wise

Packing voucher batch wise


(Date wise, item wise, batch wise, Location wise etc.)
(Date wise, item wise, batch wise, Location wise etc.)
(Date wise, item wise, batch wise, Location wise etc.)
(Date wise, item wise, batch wise, Location wise etc.)
(Date wise, item wise, batch wise, Location wise etc.)
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Accounts Management

Problem Statement:

Manual and time-consuming financial processes, difficulty in tracking expenses and revenue, inefficiencies in invoice management, limited visibility into cash flow, and potential errors in financial reporting. These challenges can lead to delayed payments, inaccurate financial records, and difficulties in financial analysis.



Our accounts management module within the Plastic and Rubber Manufacturing Software automates financial processes, streamlining tasks such as invoicing, payment tracking, and expense management, saving time and reducing errors. The module provides comprehensive financial reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing businesses to gain insights into their financial performance and make informed decisions. With real-time cash flow monitoring and forecasting features, it provides visibility into cash inflows and outflows, enabling better cash management.


Opening Balance Voucher

Cash Payment Voucher

Cash Receipt Voucher

Bank Payment Voucher

Bank Receipt Voucher

Cheque Issue Voucher

Cheque Receipt Voucher

Debit Note

Credit Note

Journal Entry Voucher


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