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Sitara IT Park, Canal Road, Faisalabad


+1 -800-456-478-23

Cloud Based
Poultry Chicken Farm Processing Software

Digital Manager (Poultry Chicken Farm Processing Software) is a comprehensive and efficient solution designed to streamline and manage various aspects of poultry farming and processing operations. This software integrates advanced features to assist farmers in monitoring and optimizing every stage of the poultry production cycle, from hatchery management and feed formulation to health monitoring and processing. It provides real-time data on flock performance, allowing farmers to make informed decisions for better productivity and resource utilization.

// Software Modules & FEATURES

Purchase Management

Problem Statement: Poultry Chicken Farm Processing Industry often grapple with feathered purchasing challenges: inaccurate feed and chick counts leading to overspending or shortages, manual orders prone to errors and delays, opaque supplier relationships hindering cost control, and difficulty optimizing deliveries amidst volatile market fluctuations. Implementing a centralized, automated purchase management system is crucial to conquer these challenges, streamline purchasing, optimize costs, and build trusting supplier relationships for a smoother, more profitable flock operation.

Solution: Our Poultry Chicken Farm Processing Software’s built-in Purchase Management System acts like a cost-crunching chickadee, tracking inventory, automating orders, building supplier trust, and navigating market fluctuations for optimal spending. No more lost profits, missed deliveries, or hidden costs.


Purchase Orders Voucher

(Chicks, feed, medicine and fuel etc.)

Purchase Voucher

(Chicks, feed, medicine, fuel etc) shed and flock wise

Purchase Return Voucher

(Chicks, feed, medicine, fuel etc)
shed and flock wise)

Bulk Purchase Voucher

feed, medicine, fuel etc) for Warehouse


Account , Date, Invoice, Category, Item and User wise
Account , Date, Invoice, Category, Item, User and PO Wise
Account , Date, Invoice, Category, Item and User wise

Account , Date, Invoice, Category, Item and User wise

Account , Date, Invoice, Category, Item and User wise
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Flock Management

Problem Statement: Poultry Chicken Farm Processing Industry often struggle with feathered flock frustrations: inaccurate bird counts leading to lost profits, manual record-keeping prone to errors and delays, opaque health monitoring hindering disease prevention, and difficulty optimizing growth and welfare amidst a diverse, dynamic flock. Implementing a centralized, automated Flock Management System is crucial to conquer these challenges, improve bird tracking, optimize health and growth, and ensure efficient, ethical processing for a thriving farm operation.

Solution: Our Poultry Chicken Farm Processing software’s built-in Flock Management System acts like a superhero for your birds, keeping track of every feathered friend. No more headcount headaches, it pinpoints sick chicks before they get under the weather, helps them grow bigger and faster, and even makes sure they’re happy and comfy.


(feed, mortality, medicine, fuel, Humidity etc.)
(Shed wise, flock wise)
(Shed wise, flock wise)
(Shed wise, flock wise)
(Shed wise, flock wise)
(Shed wise, flock wise)
(Shed wise, flock wise)

(feed, medicine, fuel, others)


(Shed wise, flock wise)
(shed wise, flock wise and date wise)
(Type, flock,shed, and date wise)
  • Daily Mortality &
  • Livability
  • Age of Chicks
  • Average weight of chicks
  • FCR (Feed Consumption Report)
  • Age FCR of chicks
  • Daily Feed Usage

(flock and shed wise)

  • Mortality & Livability of chicks
  • Feed Usage
  • FCR (Feed Consumption Report)
  • Age FCR
  • Weight of chicks
  • FE (Flock Efficiency)
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Inventory Management

Problem Statement: The Poultry Chicken Farm Processing Industry often grapples with challenges in their inventory management system. Given the perishable nature of poultry products, accurate tracking of raw materials, feed, and processed goods is crucial. Inconsistent supply chains, fluctuations in demand, and variable production cycles can lead to difficulties in maintaining optimal stock levels.

Solution: The inventory management system embedded within our Poultry Chicken Farm Processing Software serves as a vital asset by efficiently addressing the unique challenges of the industry. It enables precise tracking of raw materials, feed, and processed goods, ensuring optimal stock levels are maintained despite the fluctuating nature of poultry production cycles and variable demand.


(Chicks, Feeds, Medicine, Fuel, Cost, Stock Levels)
(Chicks, Feeds, Medicine, Fuel, Cost, Stock Levels)


Location, Category, Sub category, Brand, flock and Shed Wise
(Average, Last Purchase, & User Defined Method) Location, Category, Sub category, Brand, flock and Shed Wise
(Detailed Summary)
(Shed wise, flock wise)
Product wise Summary (Opening, Purchase, Sales, Return, Stock)
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Sales Management

Problem Statement: The Poultry Chicken Supply & Farm Processing Industry encounters several challenges in its sales management system. Given the perishable nature of poultry products, sales demand can be highly variable and seasonal, making accurate sales forecasting and planning difficult. Fluctuations in market conditions, competition, and consumer preferences further complicate effective sales management.

Solution: The sales management system integrated into our Poultry Chicken Farm Processing Software proves instrumental in overcoming key challenges faced by the industry. By providing real-time analytics and data insights, the system aids in accurate sales forecasting, enabling poultry farms to align production with market demand effectively. Automation features streamline order processing, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring timely deliveries. 


Sale Orders Voucher

Sale Voucher

Sale Return Voucher

Supply Voucher


Account , Date, Invoice, Category, Item and User Wise

(Detail, Summary) Account , Date, Invoice, Cattegory, Item, User and SO wise
(Detail, Summary) Account , Date, Invoice, Cattegory, Item and User wise
Account , Date, Invoice, Cattegory, Item and User wise
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Accounts Management

Problem Statement: The Poultry Layer Farm & Chicken Processing Industry encounters several challenges in its accounts management system. Given the complexity of financial transactions, including procurement of raw materials, equipment maintenance, labor costs, and fluctuating market prices for poultry products, managing accounts efficiently becomes a daunting task. Inaccurate or delayed financial reporting, difficulty in tracking production costs, and compliance with financial regulations pose significant hurdles.

Solution: The accounts management system embedded in our Poultry Chicken Farm Processing Software proves indispensable in addressing the industry’s financial challenges. By offering real-time financial reporting and robust cost-tracking mechanisms, the system enables poultry farms to maintain precise control over expenses associated with raw materials, equipment, and labor, facilitating accurate budgeting and forecasting. 


Chart of Accounts

Opening Balances

Cash Payment & Cash Recieved

Flock wise Expenses

Bank Payment & Bank Receipt

Journal Entry


Date, Invoice, Flock, Accounts and User Wise
Date, Invoice, Flock, Accounts and User Wise
Date, Invoice, Flock, Accounts and User Wise
Date, Invoice, Bank, Check Date, Accounts and User Wise
Date, Invoice, Bank, Check Date, Accounts and User Wise
Date, Invoice, Flock, Accounts and User Wise
(Summarized & Detailed up to 3 levels)
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